What Causes Silverfish in Erie, PA Bathrooms? Are These Occasional Invader Pests Harmful?

Many people are used to seeing common pests wander in their home, such as ants, roaches, spiders, and perhaps rodents. There are some who may have seen centipedes, earwigs or even silverfish. These pests are the occasional invaders that are equally a problem. Most of the occasional invaders are not necessarily a health concern, or even cause damage to your home or business that the more common pests can do. These occasional invaders are more of a nuisance than anything, but still have disadvantages when they intrude into your home. With infestations, the numbers only grow, and the feeding and nesting habits can lead to unpleasantries. Bearing this in mind, we at Stewart Termite and Pest Control would to elaborate on silverfish.

What Do Silverfish Look Like?

Often found crawling in stored boxes in garages and sheds, silverfish are drawn to damp fabrics and paper. People often see these teardrop shaped bodied insects that feature three long bristles on the rear. Silverfish average ½ and ¾ inches in length and do not stand out from their coloring as they are commonly white to brown-gray and bluish-silver. They are likely hanging around the kitchens, attics, and bathrooms as they need moist areas to thrive. Though they do not need moisture survive, they can be discovered in nearly any climate.

Are Silverfish Harmful?

The silverfish can consume many things as a part of their diet including starches, carbohydrates, unopened packaged goods, in addition to shampoos, glue in books, linens, silk, as well as dead insects. To satisfy their insatiable appetite, they will destroy clothes, vintage clothing, wallpaper, books, and other possessions. More often than not, silverfish invade homes through gaps around the door frames, cracks in the foundation, and torn screens. People with the chronic habit of leaving dirty dishes in the sink especially have an issue with silverfish as they are particularly drawn to them. Additionally, silverfish can be introduced to homes by unsuspecting people that have these insects stowed away plastic containers and cardboard boxes from stores they were recently infesting. Though they are not a major health concern and are not linked to spreading diseases, they can possibly trigger allergies to some people. Particularly carpet beetles, among other predatory insects are attracted to silverfish. Silverfish are secretive and nocturnal insects, making them become unnoticed for a time, but finding damage on wallpaper, paper, books, clothing, as well as tiny pepper-like feces around damp corners is a red flag of their presence. Once their numbers get out of control, as they reproduce quickly, people will start to find these insects crawling along tubs and sinks. Do to their preference to moisture, silverfish are highly likely to be in more humid locations and the nymphs will develop quicker in optimal climates. They are adaptable, so they can flourish in most conditions.

Occasional Invader Pest Control

To minimize a silverfish infestation, keep up on sanitation such as doing the dishes, cleaning off countertops and floors, keeping trash lids secure and keeping food containers sealed. Be sure to seal your home appropriately. If you discover a silverfish infestation or simply want assistance avoiding them, call Stewart Termite and Pest Control and let our specialists help!