Causes, Signs & How to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants in the Walls of Your Pittsburgh, PA House

Ants have been around for millions of years and they are found nearly everywhere; from our gardens, landscaping, lawns, homes, to even our businesses. Where you see one ant, you see a line of them and it doesn’t seem to matter how many you kill, there will always be more to take their place. Despite your best DIY efforts, nothing seems to be effective on your sworn foes. Ants are more than a nuisance. They are capable of contaminating your food supply, or any other products they deem edible, ruining your prize plants, or attacking your ankles in defense of their nests. But carpenter ants are a different kind of ant that adds more problems that we at Stewart Termite and Pest Control would like to take the opportunity to discuss.

Differences Between Carpenter Ants & Termites

One of the largest species terrorizing your homes is carpenter ants that can get to be ¾” long. Generally black, these ants can also have reddish or yellowish coloring and are often mistaken for termites because of their similarities in appearances and habits. Carpenter ants cause chaos because of their earnest in developing the wooden materials used to construct your home and furniture into their nests. Unlike termites however, these ants are not interested in eating the wood, preferably the damp wood. Trees, stumps, buried stumps, and building materials and other such dead wood is favorable stomping grounds for carpenter ants. Instead of wood, they will eat insects, nectar, pollen, seeds, and fruit.

Do Carpenter Ants Bite?

The carpenter ant is fairly aggressive and will bite people, especially if they feel they or their nests are threatened. The bite can be a painful pinch, and sometimes they can break the skin because of their larger stature. A valuable weapon when contending to other insects, they will attempt to spray a natural formic acid chemical they produce to enhance the pain, if given the opportunity.

Signs of Carpenter Ants; Sawdust, Frass, Damage

Listed below are red flags your home is infested with carpenter ants.
1) After tapping on wooden materials throughout the building, you notice they sound hollow.
2) Subtle and faint sounds of rustling movement within the walls.
3) Knives can very easily penetrate the surface of the carpenter ant infested wood when carpenter ants have created tunnels there.
4) Wood that has wide, abnormal galleries the carpenter ant has carved, along with smooth surfaces that are free of dirt, mud, and debris.
5) Piles of shed wings lying around near window sills, baseboards and vents from the swarmer carpenter ants, or the reproducing ants.
6) Bored holes in the wood that have trails of sawdust that were left behind.

Carpenter Ant Control

Carpenter ants are not quite as destructive as termites, but if left unchecked they can still produce damage that leads to costly repairs. If you suspect carpenter ants are infesting your home or business it is essential you call in the professionals of Stewart Termite and Pest Control to effectively remove the ants before the damage becomes excessive. Call us today to get started on your carpenter ant removal service!