How to Keep Stinging Yellow Jacket Wasps & Nests Away from Your House, Yard & Pool in Erie, PA

Yellow jackets are social insects that live in colonies that can potentially have thousands of members. Male, or drones lack the stinger, but female yellow jackets are equipped with one and can sting threats repeatedly. Though they include insects in their diet, yellow jackets rely on nectar or pollen. Yellow jackets are bee-sized wasps that have yellow banding around the abdomen, along with black with yellow markings on the front of the head in addition to a primarily yellow face and dark eyes. When rested, their front wings are folded lengthwise. Being fairly conspicuous, their antennae are relatively large. Due to their size, shape and markings, yellow jacket wasps are sometimes mistaken for bees. Yellow jackets have a much bigger head, though they also resemble hornets. Today, we at Stewart Termite and Pest Control would like to elaborate further on the basics concerning Yellow Jackets.

What Do Yellow Jacket Wasps Eat?

Yellow jackets are drawn to meat scraps, so they often crash BBQs in the yard, and picnics in the park to get what they can. Though they are found across the world, they are especially concentrated in the southeastern United States. Bees and flies are frequently fed on as a main source of food, but yellow jackets will also consume fruits, carrion, as well as the nectar of flowers. Within a mile of a nest is generally their hunting grounds.

Yellow Jacket Queen, Drones & Workers

Like any structured social colony, each member has specific tasks and are either queen, drone or worker. Workers perform of a host of duties to operate and maintain the nest; and the male drones are ready to fertilize a receptive queen, where they queen will lay hundreds of eggs.

Yellow Jacket Stings

Since they are focused on protecting the nest, anyone that gets too close is subject to aggressive attacks. Yellow jackets will inject a venomous fluid. After they sting under skin of the victim. Their stingers are smooth, which permits them to easily deliver repeated stings as a very painful sting.

Yellow Jacket Nest in Wall

The yellow jacket queen collects wood fibers and chewed fibers mixed with saliva when they first build a fresh nest in the spring. The initial nest construction, that looks like paper materials were used, is started by the single queen, called the foundress. Multiple layers of paper cells that look like the honeybee’s comb are constructed withing the nest. In old burrows underground is where German Yellow Jackets will build their nests. Usually the birds destroy the nests looking for food, but if left undisturbed, they can get big.

Stinging Insect Control

Since yellow jacket wasps are fairly dangerous as they deliver multiple and painful stings, and their venom can cause a range of allergic reactions, it is important you hire a professional to eliminate the nest. Professionals have the training and experience to properly and efficiently remove the nest safely from your property. You need Stewart Termite & Pest Control to remove it as quickly as possible if you discover a yellow jacket nest on your Pittsburgh, PA property. To prevent injury and effectively remove the perceived threat in a timely manner, we use efficient methods and treatments. Contact us for all your pest control needs.