House Mouse Facts in Erie, PA; Signs of an Infestation, Prevention & Control Tips & More

House mice are the most common rodent pest in most of the world. They adapt to any condition and breed very quickly. The two most common mice found in Pennsylvania are the house mouse and the white-footed mouse. House mice are light brown to black in color and round in shape. They are typically 5-8 inches long, including a long, hairless tail and they have large ears. They are nocturnal creatures that become active at night. House mice can become unpleasant and extremely frustrating to deal with.

Signs of a House Mouse Infestation

House mice can pose health risks because they pee as they run through your home. Micro droplets of their urine can cause allergies in children and mice can also bring fleas, ticks, mites and lice into your home. The first indication that you’re dealing with house mice will be droppings that look like dark grains of rice. Gnaw marks on items used for nesting and damage to food products, track marks in dusty areas, rub marks along the wall and noises at night. You may hear climbing in walls or running in surfaces above you. You might hear shuffling in the walls or squeaking sounds. An infestation of mice can also produce a musky odor. To prevent any health risks, take preventative measures to keep them out of your home.

House Mouse Prevention

Mice can squeeze into the tiniest of holes. You will have to make sure to seal any openings that are larger than the diameter of a pencil. Mice have the ability to flatten themselves out and get through openings as small as a nickel. Eliminate their needs by fixing dripping faucets and leaking pipes and clean up food crumbs. Reduce clutter in basements and garages, make sure firewood is stacked away from your home. Try not to have dense landscaping close to your home, remove food sources like pet food and bird seed, at least overnight.

How to Get Rid of House Mice

How do mouse traps work? The way mouse traps are placed is important. Placing a trap in the middle of the room is ineffective because mice move through your home along the walls. Traps need to be placed in foraging and/or nesting areas for the best results. Traps should be set toward the wall and baited with peanut butter. Traps alone will likely not resolve a mouse problem. Entry points need to be located and sealed, otherwise you will continue to have mice in your home. The safest traps to use in the home are snap traps that set by latching or squeezing the back of the trap. This is the best way to prevent fingers from getting snapped, they kill mice quickly and you won’t have to touch the mouse when you throw the trap away. Because mice are nocturnal, it is best to put traps away during the day to prevent children and pets from getting hurt.

Rodent Control

Contact Stewart Termite & Pest Control at the first signs of mouse activity. We are trained to seek out and eliminate sources of mouse activity through inspections. We will identify access points and perform exclusion work. We will also place and monitor bait stations to ensure optimal protection. Give us a call today!